Tuesday, May 5, 2009

殘念 Can Nian (Should Not) sung by Zhou Yu Min

客廳角落 時鐘遠遠的看我 (Watching me from the corner of the living room)
一格一格 慢慢把我推向快樂的盡頭 (One by one, Slowly pushing me to where happiness ends)
低頭走過 那一句要我轉達的問候 (I avoid people’s questions)
就當作 不曾聽說 (As if I never heard them)

對面巷口 那常嬉鬧的一夜 忽然發覺 (One night in front of a noisy alley way, I realized)
我竟然相信他們不會變 (Suddenly they won’t change)
好幾個夜 (Many nights )
你說著抱歉的留言始終沒有出現 (You left messages apologizing but never appeared)
我無解的想念 (I want to stop missing you)

還以為那個快樂的結局會上演 (I thought we’d have a happy ending)
卻在一瞬之間留下了殘念 (But I remain in that place of impossibility)
我懷疑怎麼可能有人全身而退 (I wonder how someone could so completely pull back)
站在愛情面前我竟是瘋癲 (Standing in face of love, I go crazy)

對面巷口 那常嬉鬧的一夜 突然發覺 (One night in front of a noisy alley way, I realized)
我竟然相信他們不會變 (They won’t change)
好幾個夜 (Many nights)
你說著抱歉的留言始終沒有出現 (You left messages apologizing but never appeared)
我無解的想念(I want to stop missing you)

還以為那個快樂的結局會上演 (I thought the happy ending would turn up)
卻在一瞬之間留下了殘念 (But I remain in that place where it will not happen)
我懷疑怎麼可能有人全身而退 (I wonder how someone could so completely pull back)
站在愛情面前我竟是瘋癲 (Standing in the face of love, I go crazy)

還以為合照裏面的微笑會永遠 (I thought the smile from the photo would last forever)
為何一念之間留下了殘念 (But all that is left is impossibility)
我懷疑在有生之年當愛又出現 (I doubt love will come again)
是否還有力氣重來一遍 (I don’t know if I’d have the strength to do it again)

Thanks sukyaki asianfanatics laugh.gif

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